Stump Removal of Omaha
Stump Removal of Omaha is a stump removal service provider in Omaha, Nebraska and surrounding areas. Offering free estimates with the best prices in town. Get a quick free estiamte today!

Our quality stump grinding services in Omaha, NE.
(402) 881-3681

Stump Removal - Grind N Leave
Grinding 6-8″ below ground and leaving the woodchips/dirtmixture, so no cleanup jon the stump just grind n leave.

Stump Removal - Cleanup & Top Soil
Grinding 6-8″ below ground and hauling away the excess woodchips/dirtmixture about 3-4 inches below ground level and laying down top soil.

Stump Removal - Haul Excess Stump Debri
Lor Grinding 6-8″ below ground and hauling the excess woodchips/dirtmixture, so basically leaving the stump hole leveled off with the stump debri.

Stump Grinding - Special Requests
Grinding a specific range of depth for a project you may have such as planting another tree, pouring concrete, installing landscape pavers, etc etc. Contact us and see if it’s something we can do, or if we can go deep enough to suit your needs.